Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Sequence Diagram
• Collaboration Diagram
• Use Case Diagram
• Activity Diagram
• Component Diagram
• Deployment Diagram
Class Diagram
Using the simple but effective technique of CRC cards can be a good place
to start, but you may soon want to move up the OOA/OOD ladder to use tools
like Umbrello 6 to make UML diagrams, and perhaps to use the whole UML
toolset. 7 Many organizations that we know of will pick and choose various
techniques and tools. No matter how far down the road of formal software en-
gineering you go, you must at least make some effort to have a repeatable
process that incorporates continuous improvement.
The catchy phrase “analysis paralysis” has become a cliché. (And how could it
not, being so catchy?) What it refers to, of course, is the tendency to become
bogged down in details; or the tendency to refuse to start implementation until
you are certain that your design is “right.”
This is where using a “spiral” development model can pay off. By doing
frequent small releases, you can expose subtle design flaws at an earlier stage in
development. Often, you can (to trot out another trendy term) “refactor” a
small part of your design or implementation. If you have clean object interfaces,
this can often be done with minimal disruption because a good object model
hides implementation details within classes.
In most cases it is best, once you have the use cases and requirements, to
proceed to a prototype object model and learn by doing.
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