Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10.15 The Java perspective
words, when you hit the Finish button in the wizard), Eclipse will scan that
directory and analyze what it finds there. It does an excellent job of importing
a project and “eclipsifying” it, even to the point of recognizing and analyzing
an ant 's build.xml file.
Eclipse is a huge topic. We can't devote enough space to it for this chapter to
qualify as a user guide. The best we can do is to offer you a handful of tips.
Working with Eclipse
• The Java perspective consists mainly of the Package Explorer on the left,
the edit window in the middle, the outline view in the right, and a bottom
window that changes based on context. Initially, it is a task list. When you
run a Java application, the console output is displayed there, overlaying
the task list.
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