Java Reference
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Figure 10.9 Cascaded menu after choosing CVS with Ctrl pressed
catch on to the changes made outside of NetBeans to its files, though you may
need to do a Refresh , as described above.
If you've already discovered ant , either by using it on a Java project or by
reading this topic in chapter order, then you'll know that it's a plus to have ant
integrated into NetBeans. As of NetBeans version 3.5, ant comes bundled with
NetBeans and you don't need to install it separately.
NetBeans recognizes a build.xml buildfile and gives it a special icon. If
you click on the icon for the build.xml file in the Explorer , it will show each
of the properties and then each of the targets (Figure 10.10). Right-click on a
target to choose Execute to run ant with that target. As a shortcut you can ei-
ther select that target and press the F6 key, or you can just double-click on the
target name.
If you are making frequent use of an ant build script in your project, you
may want to add a shortcut—an icon that you can put on the icon panel—that
Integration with Ant
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