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Uncompress the archive:
bunzip2 NetBeansIDE-release35.tar.bz2
This will leave the file NetBeansIDE-release35.tar in place of the
.bz2 file.
You can examine the contents of the TAR file with:
tar -tvf NetBeansIDE-release35.tar | more
Here the options ( -tvf ) specify to show a table of contents ( -t ) in ver-
bose, that is, long, form ( -v ) from the specified file ( -f ) followed by the TAR
filename. The output from tar here is piped into more so that you can page
through it. Type q when you've seen enough, or leave off the | more to let it
run through without pausing.
Notice that the names of all the files in the TAR archive begin with
netbeans/ which tells us that if we untar the file, it will put all the files into a
directory called netbeans . Therefore, we don't need to make such a folder
Change directory to the directory where you would like to install
NetBeans. If you are on a system that may be used by different users, you'll
probably want to put it in a more public location like /usr/local or /opt . If
it is for your personal use, you can put it anywhere—just be sure that you have
write permissions on the directory where you want to install NetBeans.
(Reminder: use ls -ld . to see the permissions of the current directory.)
The tar command to untar everything in place is simple:
tar -xf NetBeansIDE-release35.tar
This will extract ( -x ) all the files that are in the TAR file ( -f ) named
NetBeansIDE-release35.tar . If you'd like to see each file get named as it
is extracted, then change the -xf to -xvf ( v for verbose) and you will see a
whole long list of filenames displayed on your screen as the file is unpacked.
Next, we need to adjust the startup parameter in the configuration file.
The file is in the netbeans directory that you just untarred. In there is a direc-
tory named bin , and in there is a file called ide.cfg . Open this file with an
editor and change the line that begins -jdkhome so that the pathname refers
to the location of your Java Development Kit ( JDK, see Chapter 5).
Here's an example of the contents of ide.cfg :
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