Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<target name="doc" depends="init"
description="Generates Javadoc documentation">
<echo>Running DOC</echo>
<mkdir dir="${doc}/api"/>
<javadoc packagenames="net.multitool.Payback.*"
sourcepath="${src}" destdir="${doc}/api"
author="true" version="true"
use="true" private="true"/>
<!-- The "jar" target depends on the "build" target. It places
all of the class files in the project into a JAR file, and
builds a manifest using the "manifest" tag. -->
<target name="jar" depends="build"
description="Builds an application JAR file">
<echo>Running JAR</echo>
<jar basedir="${build}" jarfile="${basedir}/Payback.jar">
<attribute name="Version" value="1.0"/>
<attribute name="Main-Class"
<!-- The "run" target depends on the "jar" target. It executes
the class named as the "Main-Class" in the JAR's manifest. -->
<target name="run" depends="jar" description="Runs the program">
<echo>Running RUN</echo>
<java jar="${basedir}/Payback.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="${basedir}/"/>
<!-- The "clean" target erases all files and directories that other
Ant targets might have generated. It returns a copy of the
project tree to a "pristine" (some might say "clean") state. -->
<target name="clean" depends="init"
description="Erase all generated files and dirs">
<echo>Running CLEAN</echo>
<delete dir="${build}" verbose="true"/>
<delete dir="${doc}/api" verbose="true"/>
<delete file="Payback.jar" verbose="true"/>
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