Java Reference
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The name of the target. This is the name entered as an argument to ant .
This is also the name that may be used in the default attribute of the
project tag.
This is the reverse of the if attribute. The target is built unless the
property is set.
There is more than one way to set what we might call variables in ant . The
only one we will concern ourselves with here is properties . Properties are like a
simple hash, or associative array. They associate value, which is stored as a
String , with a name, which is also a String . They behave very much like the
Properties class introduced earlier in this topic. 7 You can use buildfile prop-
erties to associate a single name with a single value that you use in multiple
places throughout the buildfile to make configuration changes easier and less
error-prone. Some tasks also expect certain properties to be set, as we shall
soon see.
You set a property with the property tag (Example 9.2).
Example 9.2 A useless build.xml example to demonstrate properties
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="pointless" default="useless" basedir=".">
<target name="useless">
<property name="example.utility" value="nil"/>
<echo>This example's usefulness:
${example.utility}. OK?</echo>
Running ant with Example 9.2 gives this output:
7. In fact, an examination of the ant source code reveals that ant properties are stored in a
HashTable .
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