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main[1] list 36
32 rc = rc + line + "\n";
33 }
34 } catch (Exception e) {
35 e.printStackTrace();
36 => rc = null;
37 }
39 return rc;
40 }
main[1] stop at FetchURL:39 (6)
Set breakpoint FetchURL:39
main[1] cont
Breakpoint hit: "thread=main", FetchURL.toString(), line=39 bci=79
39 return rc;
main[1] dump rc
rc = "<HTML>
<TITLE>RedHat Linux Laptop</TITLE>
<H1>RedHat Linux Laptop</H1>
<P>You have contacted Michael Schwarz's RedHat Linux Laptop.
You would probably rather
<A HREF="">see his permanent Web
page</A> since this server goes up and down all the time, what
with it being on a laptop.</P>
main[1] step
> <HTML>
<TITLE>RedHat Linux Laptop</TITLE>
<H1>RedHat Linux Laptop</H1>
<P>You have contacted Michael Schwarz's RedHat Linux Laptop.
You would probably rather
<A HREF="">see his permanent Web
page</A> since this server goes up and down all the time, what
with it being on a laptop.</P>
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