Java Reference
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screen with the list() method. The argument to list() is either a
PrintStream or a PrintWriter . System.out is a PrintStream , so that
will work.
The format of the properties file is name=value . But it is also possible to
put comments in a properties file. Any line beginning with a “ # ” is ignored.
Try it.
It's also easy to (re)write a file of properties with the store() method.
The parameters are an OutputStream and a String ; the latter will serve as a
label for the parameters, written to an opening comment in the properties file.
If your program needs to examine the list of property names, you can get
an Enumerator of the entire list via the propertyNames() method. Modify
Example 4.3 to replace the list() call with a do-it-yourself version that uses
the Enumerator returned from propertyNames() to list all the names and
values. Hint: Use getProperty() on each name retrieved via the enumeration.
The Java Properties class extends the java.util.Hashtable class.
This means, in part, that all the other Hashtable methods are available to a
Properties class. Methods such as containsKey() or containsValue()
can be helpful, as can isEmpty() . One caution, though. You should use
setProperty() if you want to add values to Properties , rather than
the Hashtable 's put() method. They do largely the same thing, but
setProperty() enforces that its parameters are String s. This is important if
you want to write out the properties to a file, as it's meant for String s only.
T HE Runtime C LASS
Let's discuss one last way to get to the underlying (Linux) system information.
Be warned, though, that this is the least portable approach of all we have
Familiar to C/C++ programmers, the exec() call in the Java Runtime class
does much the same thing. It gives you a way to start another program outside
of the current Java Virtual Machine. In doing so, you can connect to its stan-
dard in / out / err and either drive it by writing to its standard in , or read its
results from its standard out . (Yes, that's correct—we write to its input and
read from its output. If that sounds wrong, think it through. Our Java code is
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