Biology Reference
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Nanotechnology has many stated advantages, although it has not yet
fully lived up to this potential. While many studies report signal enhance-
ments, these are sometimes only one or two orders of magnitude improve-
ment, and are in some cases not better than other non-nanotechnology
reports of a certain technique. In one case, notably the use of QDs for
Cryptosporidium detection with flow cytometry, the use of nanomaterials has
diminished detection. However, this finding strongly supports the need for
further research into improved functionalization chemistries, which were
thought be the cause of this failure. In some cases though single cell detec-
tion is reported, and given that this is a rapidly growing field with many
very recent papers, further developments will undoubtedly improve nano-
technology performance for waterborne pathogen detection.
Future research must address several major challenges facing nanotech-
nology in this application. For example, as mentioned above, robust func-
tionalization chemistries are required, particularly to apply the methods to
a wider range of waterborne pathogens than thus far studied. Compared
to other target analytes, waterborne pathogen detection is less well stud-
ied, and methods combining sample processing with nanotechnology based
detection should be a focus of future work.
Furthermore, it is sometimes mentioned as an advantage that nano-
technology enables a reduction in sample volume. This is not necessarily
advantageous for waterborne pathogen detection, and so this may place
a greater challenge on sample processing. We have seen examples of how
nanotechnology can provide solutions in the area of sample processing
including enhancing filtration or magnetic separations and performances,
and enabling depletion flocculation. Another future possibility is the inte-
gration with microfluidics to create simple diagnostic devices, and the use
of microfluidics will be considered in the next chapter.
There are many exciting opportunities for nanomaterials. In this chapter,
we have seen how QDs have been widely utilized in optical methods of detec-
tion, how metallic nanoparticles have improved the sensitivity of techniques
such as SPR and Raman, and the wide exploitation of CNTs in electrochemi-
cal biosensors. AuNPs are also employed in colorimetric detection schemes
which offer particular advantages for developing country applications, as the
result is easily read without expensive equipment. Nanotechnology has also
opened up new detection schemes and, as research and development continues
more will surely be invented. This is a massive field of research set to expand
over the next few years and, while it might take many years, nanotechnology
will hopefully deliver on its promise of revolutionizing pathogen detection.
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