Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Real-Time Constructive
Solid Geometry
Sander van Rossen and
Matthew Baranowski
8.1 Introduction
We present a content generation tool that allows users to specify and manipu-
late complex volumetric building blocks that are combined by a constructive solid
geometry (CSG) algorithm to produce final optimized geometry ready for use in
games. Instead of manipulating individual triangles in a final mesh, using this
method, the user can interactively edit volumetric objects such as windows, walls
and doors while the system takes care of generating a watertight mesh interactively
(see Figure8.1 ) .Thismethodcanbeusedinaneditortoenablefasteriterative
development of game environments. It can also be used to generate well-behaved
meshes from user-generated content in a game.
Figure 8.1. Moving a window on a wall interactively. (See Color Plate IV.)
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