Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
5.3.1 Tag as a Key
For the intrinsic metadata, the databases are organized by each asset name as a
key for an entry (see Listing 5.2). Considering that changes occur per asset and
the count and types of intrinsic metadata may be different for each asset type, it's
natural to use the asset name or identifier as a key in this case.
In contrast, tags are purely external. For example, in the case of other meta-
data, an entry should be invalidated if the system finds out its write-access times-
tamp has changed. However, in the case of tags, it is improper to invalidate all
<Model fileName="objects/library/props/cw2_level_specific
lodCount="3" triangleCount="4856" vertexCount="6147"
submeshCount="0" nRef="1" physicsTriCount="4"
physicsSize="1" bSplitLODs="1" textureSize="10"
tags="" fav="0" timeStamp="129215454816047867">
<aabb min="-16.224487,-99.513443,-0.26987457" max=
<triCountLOD lod="0" triCount="4856"/>
<triCountLOD lod="1" triCount="1823"/>
<triCountLOD lod="2" triCount="874"/>
<triCountLOD lod="3" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="4" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="5" triCount="0"/>
<Model fileName="objects/library/props/cw2_level_specific
lodCount="0" triangleCount="322" vertexCount="559"
submeshCount="0" nRef="1" physicsTriCount="0"
physicsSize="0" bSplitLODs="0" textureSize="10"
tags="" fav="0" timeStamp="129215454814019945">
<aabb min="-8.4807739,-0.19953218,-2.540997" max=
<triCountLOD lod="0" triCount="322"/>
<triCountLOD lod="1" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="2" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="3" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="4" triCount="0"/>
<triCountLOD lod="5" triCount="0"/>
<Texture fileName="levels\wars\cw2_bryant_park
nTextureWidth="2048" nTextureHeight="2048"
nMips="12" format="22" bIsCubemap="0" timeStamp=
<Texture fileName="levels\wars\cw2_battery_park\do_not_ship
\" nTextureWidth="512" nTextureHeight=
"512" nMips="8" format="24" bIsCubemap="0" timeStamp=
Listing 5.2. An example of metadata database file in XML.
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