Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 21.1. Parallel Nsight user settings.
21.2 Debugging a Full Direct3D Frame
with the Graphics Inspector
21.2.1 Setting Up Your Application
There are two configurations you can use to run your application with Parallel
Nsight. If you are just going to use the API inspection features, called the Graphics
Inspector, you can run on the local system and still be able to inspect the state of
the Direct3D runtime at each point in the frame, as well as profile a frame using
the Frame Profiler. If you would like to debug a shader, you will need to set up to
run on a remote machine because the GPU that is running the application will also
be running the Visual Studio GUI, which means you cannot interact with it after
a breakpoint has been hit.
When you right-click on the project, you can select Parallel Nsight Settings from
themenu,allowingyoutoconfigurehowParallelNsightwillrun(see Figure21.1 ) .
For running locally, simply leave the Connection name as “localhost”, and change it
to the proper machine name for remote debugging. Also, you can tell Parallel Nsight
just to run the normal output from the project or to give it an external program to
run, as well as specifying the command line options and working directory. Finally,
Parallel Nsight can sync files from the host to the target, which can be especially
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