Game Development Reference
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>coherencytest duck-err1.dae
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=error parsing attribute name
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=attributes construct error
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=Could not find end of Start Tag COLLADA
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=Error parsing XML in
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=Failed to load file:
DOM Load error = -3
filename = duck-err1.dae
>coherencytest duck-err2.dae
WARNING: DOM Warning Handler msg=The DOM was unable to create an
element named cam at line 41. Probably a schema violation.
ERROR: CHECK_schema Error
{ http: // www . collada . org
/2005/11/ COLLADASchema } cam ￿ : This element is not expected .
Expected is one of ( { http: // www . collada . org /2005/11
/ COLLADASchema } asset , { http: // www . collada . org /2005/11
/ COLLADASchema } camera ).
msg = Element
ERROR: DOM Error Handler msg=daeStandardURIResolver::resolveElement()
- Failed to resolve file:/F:/.../duck-err2.dae#cameraShape1
ERROR: CHECK_uri Failed uri=file:/F:/.../duck-err2.dae#cameraShape1
not resolved
ERROR: CHECK_file failed, file:/F:/.../ducky.tga not found
Listing 9.2. Coherency test example.
Figure 9.8. Searching in XML Notepad.
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