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Once compiled, the executable can be invoked using the command line ( cmd ):
Usage XmlValidate document.dae
>ValidateXml.exe duck.dae
Document is valid
Let's test the validator, first, by making the document invalid for basic XML
parsing. The document duck-err1.dae has a missing > at the end of the <COLLADA
< COLLADA xmlns = " http :// www . collada . org /2005/11/ COLLADASchema "
Let's run the validator on this file:
>ValidateXml.exe duck-err1.dae
[XML error] Name cannot begin with the ￿ < ￿ character,
hexadecimal value 0x3C. Line 3, position 5.
Document is invalid
Then let's check if the validator can detect COLLADA schema issues in a valid
XML document. For example, the document duck-err2.dae is using cam instead
of camera . The COLLADA schema says that only camera and asset child ele-
ments can be used at this position in the object hierarchy, as a child element of
library_cameras . The document is a valid XML document, but it does not respect
the rules that make it a COLLADA document:
>ValidateXml.exe duck-err2.dae
[Validation error] The element ￿ library_cameras ￿ in namespace ￿
has invalid child
cam ￿
in namespace
http: // www . collada . org /2005/11/COLLADASchema ￿ .
List of possible elements expected: ￿ asset, camera ￿ in namespace
http: // www . collada . org /2005/11/COLLADASchema ￿ .
Document is invalid
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