Database Reference
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Other topics
There are a number of interesting topics on the market today that could provide
goodfollow-upreading,nowthatyouhavealmostinished Learning Neo4j . A few
books to highlight are as follows:
• AnothergoodbookthatspeciicallycoverstheCypherquerylanguage
is Learning Cypher by Packt Publishing (
learning-cypher/book ) .
• The O'Reilly book by Jim Webber, Ian Robinson, and Emil Eifrem.
This topic has been free to download at for
a while, and still provides a good bit of detailed technical information.
• A topic by OpenCredo's CEO Jonas Parter, published by Manning, Neo4j
in Action ( ) .
• A topic by Michael Hunger and David Montag, published at InfoQ, Good
Relationships ( ).
No doubt there are other useful publications, but this should give you a good
starting point.
The Neo4j ecosystem, with Neo Technology as its more prominent supporter,
overview of these events at , but there are a couple
of event types that deserve a bit of additional attention and a separate mention.
Most of the Neo4j community events are organized and administered through the
Meetupwebsite.Youcanindmostgroupsquiteeasilyat http://neo4j.meetup.
com/ or by searching for it on the main website ( ). Many of the
meetups also have a standardized URL that should be something like www.meetup.
com/graphdb-<your_city_name> .
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