Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Questions and Answers
Q1. Analyzing impact often requires:
1. A lot of manual work in the database.
2. Complex join operations across multiple different types of information.
3. AsimplepathindingqueryoveragraphdatabasesuchasNeo4j.
Calculating the average selling price over a million different
purchase transactions.
Calculating access control over a directory tree of users in groups
and departments.
Calculating the shortest path on a road network between two cities.
Recommending a new product purchase to an existing client.
A: 2. Access control is typically a great hierarchical use case, as evidenced by
}the multiple hierarchically organized directory servers on the market today.
also a great use case for Neo4j.
In this chapter, we illustrated that graph databases such as Neo4j are extremely
well placed at playing a role in many enterprise architectures where impact analysis
we took a look at a Business Process Management use case, where analyzing and
understanding the potential impact of a change in a network would be of primary
interest to the user. Then, we took a look at an impact simulation use case, where
we wanted to set up a use case in which we would want to iteratively simulate
different impact scenarios and see what would be the result of those changes on
the network, using a product hierarchy as an example to do so.
We hope to have given you a good overview of the use cases and its potential.
We will now continue to the next chapter of this topic, which deals with graphical
visualizations for Neo4j.
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