Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
####### means seven digits. The second method is %04d, where 04 means the
I find the second method easier to decipher. Just by looking at %07d you can tell
that you want seven digits. Using the other method, you actually have to count.
Please note that you have to add frame padding yourself. Nuke won't do this for
you. Nuke uses the # symbol by default when displaying file sequence names.
to choose from).
• Separate these three parts of the file name with dots (periods).
The first bit can be anything you like, though I recommend not having any spaces in the
name due to Python scripts, which have a tendency to not like spaces (you can use an un-
derscore if you need a space). The second bit needs to be defined in one of the ways men-
tioned previously, either the %04d option, or the #### option. The last bit is the extension
to the file type you want to render, such as: jpg, exr, sgi, tif, etc.
An example of a file name, then, is filename.%04d.png, or file_name.####.jpg.
To render a single file, such as a QuickTime file, simply give the file a name and the ex-
tension .mov. No frame padding is necessary.
1. In the field at the bottom, at the end of your path, add the name of your file se-
quence. Use: doll_v01.####.tif. Don't forget the dots and the v01 ( FIGURE 2.34 ).
Figure 2.34. Enter the name of your file sequence at the end of the file's
2. Click Save.
You now have the path and file name under the File property. You might have
noticed that the Write1 Properties panel changed a little. It now accommodates a
property called Compression, which is, at the moment, set to a value called de-
flate .
Let's change the compression settings.
3. Choose LZW from the Compression drop-down menu ( FIGURE 2.35 ).
Figure 2.35. Changing the Compression property to LZW.
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