Graphics Programs Reference
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You can now see that NoOp1 is no longer being used. There are no green expres-
sion lines pointing to it. All the expressions pointing to it have been changed to
point to the new Knob in the Group.
9. ChangetheActionSafeandTitleSafepropertiesinGroup1andseeyoursafeareas
change in the Viewer.
10. Reset the properties to 5 and 10 when you're finished.
11. The Knobs you created in the Group now control everything you need. You no
longer need the NoOp1 node so simply delete NoOp1.
Now let's add one more function to the Group and tree. The text showing Action
Safe and Title Safe isn't always necessary, so I would like to add a switch to turn
them off. Start by adding another node to the tree in the Group1 Node Graph.
12. Click Text2; from the Merge toolbox, insert a Switch node.
13. In the DAG connect Switch1's input called 1 to Shuffle1 ( FIGURE 12.44 ) .
Figure 12.44. Connecting the Switch node.
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