Graphics Programs Reference
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Notice that in the User Knobs panel the Operation Knob is now last, and it's the
same in the Properties panel. The order of the Knobs in the User Knobs panel de-
termines the order of the Knobs in the Properties panel.
You would like to have the Operation Knob at the top, so:
17. Click Operation intheUserKnobspanelandclick theUpbuttontwice tomoveit
in between SafeAreas and ActionSafe.
18. Click Done.
This Knob is now at the top.
19. Set the values again for ActionSafe and TitleSafe: 5 and 10 respectively.
You now want to change all the expressions that point to NoOp1 to point to the
Group's User Knobs. Let's do one.
20. Click the Group1 Node Graph tab.
21. Double-click Rectangle1.
22. Click in the “area.x” Input field and press = to load its Edit Expression panel.
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