Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Younowhaveallthegeometry youneedtoreplicate thisscenein3D.Notice that
the geometry is a very basic representation, not a perfect copy. This is enough,
because the texture is detailed enough all on its own ( FIGURE 11.5 ).
Figure 11.5. All the geometry in the 3D Viewer.
You now need a camera.
10. Create a Camera node from the 3D toolbox.
11. Check the Read From File box in Camera1's Properties panel.
12. Switch to the File tab and click the folder icon at the end of the File property.
13. Import chapter11/geo/Ginza_camera.fbx. Click Yes when asked if you want to
change all properties to the imported ones.
You need to choose which camera from the imported data to use.
14. Make sure the Node Name property is set to Camera01.
You now have a camera in your scene pointing up, which resembles the angle
of the camera in the photo. If you move around the scene by Ctrl/Cmd-dragging,
you'll see that the camera is way out in another location from the buildings
( FIGURE 11.6 ) .
Figure 11.6. The camera has a good angle, but its location is off.
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