Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Click the second-to-last stroke you created in the Stroke/Shape List window.
2. Click the All Frames button again.
Your second-to-last stroke now exists infinitely. Now for the rest of the brush
You can make your Stroke/Shape List window bigger by dragging
the bottom-right corner of the Properties panel.
3. Selectallthebrushstrokesbyclickingthetopmostone,scrollingdown,andShift-
clicking the last one.
4. Click the All Frames button again.
Now your whole picture is back as it exists infinitely. How exciting!
5. Select a stroke in the list and switch to the Stroke tab.
The Stroke/Shape List window also allows you to change the order
of your strokes. Simply select a stroke and drag it up or down and let
6. Practice changing the stroke's properties such as opacity and size.
7. Click the Select tool—the arrow-shaped tool at the top of the RotoPaint Toolbar.
8. Toselectstrokepoints,youneedtoselecttheAllowPaintSelectioncheckboxon
the Tool Settings bar ( FIGURE 6.10 ).
Figure 6.10. Turn on Allow Paint Selection to change a stroke's vector.
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