Graphics Programs Reference
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By using Blackpoint and Whitepoint to set a perfect black and a perfect white, you can
stretch the image to a full dynamic range. When you have a full dynamic range you then
can easily set the blackpoint and whitepoint to match those of the background using Lift
and Gain. You then have Multiply, Offset, and Gamma to match midtones and for final
Let's practice color matching, starting with a fresh script.
1. If you want, you can save your script. When you are finished, press Ctrl/Cmd-W
to close the script and leave Nuke open with an empty script.
If Nuke quits altogether, just start Nuke again.
2. Fromyourchapter04folderbringintwoimages:CarAlpha.pngandIcyRoad.png.
3. MakesurethatCarAlpha.pngiscalledRead1andIcyRoad.pngisRead2.Youcan
change the name of a node in the top-most property.
matching the foreground image to the background.
4. Select Read1 and press the M key to insert a Merge node after it.
5. Connect Merge1's B input to Read2 and view Merge1 in the Viewer ( FIGURE
4.21 ) .
Figure 4.21. The car is over the dashboard—this is wrong.
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