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Fig. 3. BOLD response in ACT-R theory and fMRI data
a higher magnitude, larger time scale and steeper shapes than simple ones, just
like the fMRI analysis results. Part (b) of Figure 3 shows the results for the left
anterior cingulated cortex corresponding to the goal module. The correlation
with the left ACC region is 0.90. Part (c) of Figure 3 shows the results for
the left prefrontal region corresponding to the retrieval module. The correlation
with the left prefrontal region is 0.83 which shows a less fitting. As described on
declarative knowledge, the chunks only concerns four digits which is easier for
an adult participant. So activity in retrieval module is lower than other modules
like goal and visual module. Part (e) of Figure 3 shows the results for the left
parietal region corresponding to the imaginal module. The correlation with the
left parietal region is 0.86, also a receivable matching. Part (e) of Figure 3 shows
the results for the left caudate region corresponding to the procedural module.
The correlation with this region is 0.82, the least fitting in the model (similar to
that observed by other researchers [6]). All these predictions of BOLD response
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