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Fig. 1. General multi-level model of human information capabilities, each level is linked with
others as cooperative system. This is a reference model, pointer to human capabilities.
4.3.1 Physical Macro Level
Physical macro level refers to nervous system linked with sensory preceptors which
can be described as neural network connected to external devices. It is still an open
question what variant of neural network is the best approximation for human-natural
network. Currently the model of Analogue Recurrent Neural Networks (ARNN) is
examined as human neural network candidate. If ARNN operates with real numbers
then computable power is equal to Turing machine with oracle [35]. However the
evolutionary gene extension, biological growth and die aspects in neurons seem to be
essential for biological neural network approximation, modeling [21].
4.3.2 Physical Micro Level
Physical micro level refers to evidence of computation beyond the neuron level. Mo-
lecular neurobiology has discovered that biochemical transactions play an important
role in neuronal computations; on level where toady quantum mechanics is the most
accurate description. For instance, in [32] dendrite spine is examined as a quantum
computing device. Further, recently the Shafir-Tversky statistical effect (well known
in cognitive psychology) was represented by quantum model [18]. Moreover there is
huge experimental evidence on phenomena (beyond neuron level) which supports
quantum explanation [12, 36, 31, 11].
4.3.3 Non-physical Level
Non-physical refers to human information activity which cannot be explained on basis
of established physical concepts and statistical theory. It is assumed that such activity
is executed beyond any physical artifact/part of human body [26, 13, 14]. Although
the explanation of e.g. paranormal scientific evidence [13], near death experiences
[19] is matter of discussion and open questions, we should consider such evidence as
part of human information capabilities as evidence shows.
According to conventional scientific view the mind is product of the brain, neural
network activity (electro-chemical reactions between neurons). This is based on
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