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Dynamic properties LP5 to LP9 describe the body loop.
LP5 From preparation to effector state for body modification
If preparation state for body state B occurs with level V ,
then the effector state for body state B with level V will occur.
preparation_state(B, V)
effector_state(B, V)
LP6 From effector state to modified body state
If the effector state for body state B with level V occurs,
then the body state B with level V will occur.
effector_state(B, V)
body_state(B, V)
LP7 Sensing a body state
If body state B with level V occurs,
then this body state B with level V will be sensed.
body_state(B, V) sensor_state(B, V)
LP8 Generating a sensory representation of a body state
If body state B with level V is sensed,
then a sensory representation for body state B with level V will occur.
sensor_state(B, V) srs(B, V)
LP9 From sensory representation of body state to feeling
If a sensory representation for body state B with level V occurs,
then B is felt with level V .
srs(B, V)
feeling(B, V)
Alternatively, dynamic properties LP5 to LP8 can also be replaced by one dynamic
property LP10 describing an as if body loop as follows.
LP10 From preparation to sensed body state
If preparation state for body state B occurs with level V ,
then the effector state for body state B with level V will occur.
preparation_state(B, V) srs(B, V)
4 Example Simulation Results
Based on the model described in the previous section, a number of simulations have
been performed. Some example simulation traces are included in this section as an
illustration; see Figures 4 and Figure 5 (here the time delays within the temporal
LEADSTO relations were taken 1 time unit). In Figure 4 two different traces are
shown with different characteristics. Note that the scaling of the vertical axis differs
per graph. For both traces the world state shows an offer with a rather modest strength
of 0.3 . Moreover both
1 = 0.6 and
2 = 0.6 . Simulation trace 1 at the left hand side
1 = 0.5 and
2 = 0.5 , whereas simulation trace 2 at the right hand side has
1 =
0.5 and
2 = 1 . In trace 1 the belief (and also the feeling) gets the same strength as the
stimulus, namely 0.3 ; here no effect of the emotional response is observed. However,
in trace 2 the belief gets a higher strength (namely 0.65 ) due to the stronger emotional
response (with feeling getting strength 1 ). This shows how a belief can be affected in
a substantial manner by the feedback from the emotional response on the belief.
In Figure 5 the complete example scenario for the car parking case discussed ear-
lier is shown. The world state shows something that (from a distance) looks like a
charge with strenght 0.8 until time point 225; this is indicated by the dark line in the
upper part of Figure 5. For this case
2 = 0.4 was taken, which means a
modest role for the emotional response . The belief in a charge leads to an increasingly
strong emotional body state b1 and via the related feeling, the belief reaches a
strength a bit above 0.9 .
1 = 0.8 and
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