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Fig. 5. Merging ontologies with communities
Definition 4. Let S be a seed and IK ( S ) be a community generated by S . We call dy-
namic seed generated by S the set of positive answers given by a classifier trained
with S. We indicate this set with Cl ( IK ( S ))).
Definition 5. Let S be seed and let Cl ( IK ( S ))) be the dynamic seed generated by S.
We call dynamic concept generated by S, and we indicate it with Dyn(S), the web
community dynamically generated by Cl ( IK ( S ))). Formally:
Dyn ( S ) = Kl ( Cl ( IK ( S )))). (1)
Whenever there is an evolution in the connectivity of IK ( S ), two new seeds S ' and S ''
are generated by S . By classifying IK ( S ') and IK ( S '') with S ' and S '' as training sets,
we get two new concepts c' and c'', respectively.
Example 2 : Asbestos Removal meets Photovoltaic Roofs
We simply illustrate the procedure above by applying it to a specific case related to a
collective intelligence rooted in social networks focused on environmental issues.
The process is graphically described in Figure 6.
Let us assume that our collective intelligence contains a concept corresponding to
“Asbestos Removal” pointing to a specific community of Web sites. As is well-
known, many buildings contain asbestos, which was used in spray-applied flame-
retardant, thermal system insulation, and in a variety of other materials. Roofs of
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