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A Functional Model of Limbic System of Brain *
Takashi Kuremoto, Tomonori Ohta, Kunikazu Kobayashi, and Masanao Obayashi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University,
755-8611 Tokiwadai 2-16-1, Ube, Japan
Abstract. A functional model of limbic system of brain is proposed by combin-
ing four conventional models: a chaotic neural network (CNN), a multi- layered
chaotic neural network (MCNN), a hippocampus-neocortex model and an
emotional model of amygdala. The composite model can realize mutual asso-
ciation of multiple time series patterns and transform short-term memory to
long-term memory. The simulation results showed the effectiveness of the pro-
posed model, and this study suggests the possibility of the brain model con-
struction by means of integration of different kinds of artificial neural networks.
1 Introduction
Artificial neural networks have been developed for decades from last century and
successfully used in fields of function approximation, optimization, pattern recogni-
tion, intelligent control, and so on. Functionally, Hopfield network, a recurrent neural
network in which all connections are symmetric, has the ability of stationary auto-
association, meanwhile chaotic neural networks can realize dynamic association [1,
2]. Emotion models are also proposed and applied in control systems recently [3].
However, realization of an integrated artificial brain model including multiple func-
tions of brain is still a high hurdle even though learning models, memory models,
emotion models and other functional neural networks have been proposed.
The limbic system of mammalian brain locates on the under of brain including the
parts of hippocampus, amygdala, anterior thalamic nuclei, and entorhinal cortex. It
serves to a variety of functions including to transform short-term memory (working
memory) into long-term memory (declarative memory), to control the emotional re-
sponse and support decision of behaviors. In this paper, we propose a limbic system
mathematical model, which combines several functional models, to present how input
patterns are stored in hippocampus and transformed into long-term memory on cortex,
and how emotion models participate in these processes. Our functional model of the
limbic system is developed according to the following points:
1) Hippocampus plays an important role of transforming intermediate-term mem-
ory to long-term memory. Ito et al proposed a hippocampus-cortex model [4] and a
hippocampus-neocortex model [5] which composed a circuit of cortex - dentate gyrus
* A part of this study was supported by JSPS-KAKENHI (No.18500230, No.20500277 and
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