Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
• Clean environment: Keeping the layer's environment clean and dry will help keep your
eggs clean. A muddy outside run, dirty or damp litter, and dirty nesting material will res-
ult in dirty, stained eggs. Clean out the nest boxes and add deep clean litter at least
every two weeks.
• Clean out wet litter in coop and make sure the outside run area has good drainage and
is not overgrazed.
• Nest space: Supply a minimum of four nesting boxes for flocks containing 15 hens or
less. For larger flocks provide one nest for every four to five hens in the flock. This will
help limit egg breakage from normal traffic and daily egg laying. Make sure nests have a
deep clean layer of litter to prevent breakage and help absorb waste or broken-egg ma-
2. Collect eggs early and often.
Most flocks will lay a majority of their eggs by 10 a.m. It is best to collect the eggs as soon
as possible after they are laid. The longer the egg is allowed to stay in the nest, the more
likely the egg will get dirty, broken, or will lose interior quality.
Collecting eggs at least twice daily is advisable, especially during extreme weather temper-
3. Other considerations for layer house management
• Rotate range areas often or allow enough area for birds in outside runs to prevent large
dirt and mud areas from forming by overgrazing.
• Prevent eggs from being broken in order to minimize a hen learning to eat an egg and
developing egg eating habits.
• Free choice oyster shells will help strengthen the eggshells.
• Keep rats, predators, and snakes away from the hen house. They often will eat eggs and
contaminate the nesting boxes and other eggs.
1. Collect eggs in an easy-to-clean container like coated wire baskets or plastic egg flats.
This will prevent stains from rusted metal and contamination from other materials that are
difficult to clean and disinfect.
2. Do not stack eggs too high. If collecting in baskets, do not stack eggs more than five lay-
ers deep. If using plastic flats, do not stack more than six flats. If you stack eggs too deep,
you will increase breakage.
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