Agriculture Reference
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These feisty birds were originally bred for cockfighting, which is now illegal in the United
States. Although they are not used for fighting, they still have a natural instinct to be territori-
al, so adult cocks should be separated to avoid fighting. Despite being aggressive birds, they
are easily handled by humans. Today, many breed these chickens for exhibition because of
their strong physical and gameness traits. The American Game is known to be a hardy bird
because of their good flying and foraging skills. Hens of this breed lay medium-sized eggs
that are white or cream-colored from mid-spring to late summer or fall. The American Game
comes in virtually every color and can have pea, straight, triple, or a combination comb.
Clown Face, also known as Spanish, White-Faced Black
Spanish, and Spanish White-Ear
Their name says it all. They are white-faced with a black body. They are fancy birds but profi-
cient egg-layers as well. Originating in Spain, Clown Faces are the oldest of Mediterranean
They have gray skin, a clean leg (no feathers) with dark shanks, and a single comb, and their
eggs are white. Clown Faces are slow to develop, and their white faces take about a year to
completely develop. These birds tolerate confinement and bear the heat well; however, they
are prone to frostbite, so in cold climates or in cold weather it is important to take good care
of them and keep them in warm surroundings.
Males weigh about 6 pounds. Females weigh about 4 to 5 pounds. Bantams usually weigh
around 2 ½ pounds. These beautiful and unique birds are good pets, as their temperament is
docile, and they are good exhibition birds.
A French ornamental bird, Houdan was developed from Polish, Crevecoeurs, and possibly
Dorkings breeds. Houdans were commonly raised on small farms around the towns in Nor-
mandy, France. Considered dual-purpose birds, these birds are raised for their fine, tender, and
juicy white meat with delicate bones, as well as their ability to produce an ample amount of
eggs each year. They come in two varieties: mottled and white. Mottled is a blended mixture
of two colors. In this case, it is typically black and white. The chicks are a fluffy ball of black
and white markings with the beginnings of its trademark crest just starting to flare out. The
white variety was created in America.
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