Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 3: Chickens
Candle or candling: Taking an egg and holding it in front of a bright light in a dark
room to see the development of the embryo inside the egg
Cape: The area of feathers between the shoulders and neck on a chicken
Capon: A castrated rooster
Chalazae: The two coils that hold the yolk in place inside of an egg
Chicks: Baby chickens hatched from fertilized eggs
Clutch: A group of eggs laid by a broody hen
Coccidiosis: A protozoal infestation causing disease and sometimes death
Cock: A male chicken after his first molt
Cockerel: A male chicken under 12 months of age
Comb: The fleshy piece of skin on top of a chicken's head. It helps to identify the
breed. It comes in a variety of shapes including single, pea, V-shaped, and rose.
Coop: Housing for chickens; can be made of different material and customized to
fit the needs of your flock
Crest: The feathers on top of a chicken's head
Crop: Located inside the base of a chicken's neck, right before the gizzard. Food
passes through the crop where it is softened and then moves on to the gizzard.
Crumbles: Food for birds, often broken up pellets, into medium size shapes for the
birds to eat
Cull: Killing sick or unwanted birds in a humane fashion
Debeak: Removing the tip of the beak from a bird. Often, it is done to birds raised
in close quarters in order to prevent them from pecking at each other.
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