Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Kiko: Kiko goats were developed in New Zealand as meat goats. They were created by cross-
ing feral does with Nubian, Toggenberg, and Saanen bucks. Kikos are usually white and are
generally a hardy breed. According to one recent study, the Kiko may be more resistant to
parasites than other goats. They also may have fewer problems with foot rot. According to the
same study, Kikos weaned kids that weighed more per doe compared with Boer goats. On the
other hand, Boers are still preferred at sale barns. Many goat breeders like to breed a Boer
buck with a Kiko doe.
Myotonic: The Myotonic, or Tennessee Fainting Goat, is another meat breed. They are also
known as the Wooden Leg or “stiff leg” goat. They have a recessive gene that causes their
muscles to freeze up when they are alarmed. This makes them temporarily fall over. They are
one of the only breeds native to the United States. The Myotonic goat is heavily muscled
through the rump and deep in the chest. However, they are smaller than the other major goat
meat breeds. These goats are particularly good for crossbreeding purposes. Numbers of
Myotonic goats are low compared to other meat goats, which means they might cost more.
With their fainting characteristic, they are easier to contain inside fences, but they are also at
greater risk from predators.
Savannah: The Savannah is a new breed in the U.S. and were only imported in the late
1990s. They have a large frame and are well muscled. They are white with some black pig-
ment on the ears. They have the same body characteristics as the Boer goat.
Spanish: The Spanish goat was first brought to Texas in the early 1540s by Spanish ex-
plorers. Only the fittest goats survived, and they became a very hardy breed, good at foraging.
They lived mainly in the wild, and this provided an advantage to smaller goats that needed
less food. They are also good mothers. Some goat breeders have been able to breed for bigger
size, more muscle, more milk, and other desirable traits. Spanish goats are one of the main
meat goats in the United States. These goats come in many different colors and color patterns.
Pet goats
Pygmy: The Pygmy goat comes from Africa and is kept primarily as a pet. The Pygmy goat
has a straight, medium-long hair coat, and it may be of any color. It has a small, blocky body.
Does should measure less than 22 3 / 8 inches at the withers, while bucks should measure less
than 23 3 / 8 at the top of the shoulders.
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