Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 5: Pigs
Barrow: A young male pig
Boar: An adult male pig
Butcher hog: A hog weighing between 220 and 260 pounds raised for slaughter
Creep: The area in a farrowing site that is off-limits to the sow, where the piglets
can get feed
Crossbred: A pig that is a cross of different purebred pig breeds
Dam: Mother
Farrow: For a pig to give birth
Farrow to finish: Raising pigs from birth to being market or slaughter-ready
Feed efficiency: The amount of feed it takes for a pig to gain 1 pound
Feeder pig: A young pig, usually just weaned, that is produced by a breeder but
raised by someone else; usually between 35 and 70 pounds
Finished hog: A fattened hog that is ready for market or slaughter Gilt: A young
female pig
Grower pig: A young pig being raised for market or for slaughter; usually a pig
over 50 pounds
Grower to finish: Raising pigs from the weaner stage (about 8 weeks) to market or
slaughter size
Hog: A pig weighing more than 120 pounds
Market hog: A pig that weighs 220 to 260 pounds and could be sold at market
Purebred: A pig that belongs to a recognized pure breed
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