Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
until you reach room temperature. Use a thermometer to gauge the heat inside the box. If you
notice the chicks are chirping extra loudly and are standing apart with their mouths wide
open, the temperature is probably too high. If the chicks are chirping in a shrill tone, they are
most likely too chilly. Content chicks chirp in a soft tone, and close monitoring will help keep
the babies comfortable and healthy.
Have 2 inches of bedding in the starter box. Do not use newspaper or any type of slick bed-
ding because it is not good for the development of the chicks' feet and legs. Mesh wire can be
convenient for cleaning purposes (if it is removable), but wood chips are the best option be-
cause they are soft enough for the chicks' tender toes. Some babies eat the shavings, which
can cause blockage in their system and lead to death. Keep a close eye on them. Be sure they
are not eating things that are not good for them, are not being smothered by the other chicks,
and are not getting into the water bowl.
Chicks love water, so have plenty available. For a chick's first drink, gently dip its beak into
the water, but be careful not to wet its feathers. Chicks can catch a chill easily, so keeping
them dry is imperative. You also should wash feeders and waterers daily in a mild dish deter-
gent to keep them sanitary.
Chicks poop frequently, so be sure to keep their box and bedding clean so bacteria do not
grow. Also, check your chicks' behinds regularly to make sure they are clean. Occasionally,
feces will stick to their backsides and block the flow of the poop, so you will need to wash
them with a warm, damp washcloth and toothpick. It is not pleasant for you or the bird, but
this blockage can kill the chick if not taken care of immediately. If you continue to have
trouble, or do not want to handle the bird, take it to your vet. Manure also can build up around
the toes, so clean this area in the same manner. If the droppings remain on the feet, other birds
may peck at it, and it can cause the chick to walk on the side of its feet, resulting in a crooked
Purchasing fertile eggs
If you do not want to go through the process of finding the perfect hen and rooster to start
your flock, you can purchase fertile eggs to hatch at home. This will save you the time of
searching for a suitable pair of birds to mate and waiting for them to produce fertile eggs.
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