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This chapter shows how the size of the kernel
stack can dynamically grow using the common
mechanism of page faults giving a number of
Chou, A., Yang, J. F., Chelf, B., Hallem, S., &
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erating Systems Errors. In Proceedings of the
18th ACM, Symposium on Operating System
Principals (SOSP) , (pp. 73-88), Lake Louise,
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Stack pages are allocated on demand. If a
kernel process needs minimal stack only
one page is allocated. Only kernel processes
that need larger stacks will have more pages
Corbato, A. (1968). Paging Experiment with
the Multics System . MIT Project MAC Report,
The stack pages allocated per kernel pro-
cess need not be contiguous but rather
non-contiguous physical pages are mapped
contiguously by the MMU.
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pole, J., Bakke, P., et al. (1998). StackGuard:
Automatic Adaptive Detection and Prevention of
Buffer-Overflow Attacks. In Proceedings of the
7th USENIX Security Conference, San Antonio,
Stack overflows can be caught and damage
to other kernel process stacks prevented.
Larger kernel stacks can be efficiently pro-
vided. This facilitates porting of code that
has not been designed for minimal stack
usage into the Linux kernel.
Dankwardt, K. (2001). Real Time and Linux,
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ment thread management and communication in
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Baratloo, A., Tsai, T., & Singh, N. (2000). Trans-
parent Run-Time DefenseAgainst Stack Smashing
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Frantzen, M., & Shuey, M. (2001). StackGhost:
Hardware facilitated stack protection. In Proceed-
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SPIN - An Extensible Microkernel for Applica-
tion-specific Operating System Services. ACM
Operating Systems Review, 29 (1).
Friedman, M. B. (1999). Windows NT Page
Replacement Policies. In Proceedings of 25th
International Computer Measurement Group
Conference , (pp. 234-244).
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