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3 fault for B, fault for A, fault for
ART 0 (A,B): d' A ≤ d A , d' B ≤ d B + 1
and 3, where both B and ART 0 (A,B) incur faults.
Thus, for every fault of ART 0 (A,B) that is not a
fault of B, B and ART 0 (A,B) must have suffered
a common fault earlier. That is, ART 0 (A,B) can
only incur up to twice as many faults as B. □
ART 0 produces algorithms that are not too re-
alistic because they only check the performance of
algorithmsA and B for the very last memory refer-
ence. A more realistic algorithm would remember
what A and B have done over a longer timeframe
and imitate the better algorithm. Indeed, a simple
but powerful ART would be one that remembers
how well A and B have done in the current ex-
ecution, i.e., it uses two counters misses(A) and
misses(B) that reflect the total number of misses
so far. We call this template ART .
DEFINITION 3. ART (A,B). On every
reference to a page that is not in memory (i.e.,
on every miss) algorithm ART (A,B) uses the
following logic:
4 fault for B, fault for A, hit for ART 0 (A,B):
d' A ≤ d A , d' B ≤ d B
5 hit for B, fault for A, hit for ART 0 (A,B):
d' A ≤ d A , d' B = d B
6 hit for B, fault for A, fault for ART 0 (A,B):
d' A ≤ d A + 1, d' B < d B
We do not show all the case-by-case reason-
ing needed to derive the above values since the
derivation is tedious but straightforward. As a
single example, consider case 2. In this case, there
is a fault for B and ART 0 (A,B) but a hit for A.
Thus ART 0 (A,B) is imitating A and furthermore
ART 0 (A,B)'s memory contains pages not in A's
memory (otherwise A would have suffered a fault
as well). Then, the newly referenced page is al-
ready in A's memory and ART 0 (A,B) will replace
a page not in A's memory. Thus, the difference of
the two memories will strictly decrease: d' A < d A .
At the same time, ART 0 (A,B) and B will fault-in
the same page, but they may pick two different
pages to evict and these pages could have been
common to both their memories before. Thus d B
(the number of pages in ART 0 (A,B)'s memory
that are not in B's memory) may increase but at
most by one (hence the d' B ≤ d B + 1).
Now we can show that ART 0 (A,B) is 2-robust
relative to A. To see this, consider that for each
fault of ART 0 (A,B) that is not a fault of A (case 2)
d A is strictly decreasing (by 1). But d A is originally
0, has to stay nonnegative, and increases only in
the case where both A and ART 0 (A,B) incur a
fault (case 6). Thus, for every fault of ART 0 (A,B)
that is not a fault of A, A and ART 0 (A,B) must
have suffered a common fault earlier. That is,
ART 0 (A,B) can only incur up to twice as many
faults as A.
Similarly, we can show that ART 0 (A,B) is
2-robust with respect to B. If ART 0 (A,B) suffers
a fault that is not a fault of B (case 6) then d B is
strictly decreasing. But d B is originally 0, has to
stay non-negative, and increases only in cases 2
if (misses(A) > misses(B)) then imitate B:
if B missed AND the page B would
evict is in memory, evict that page
otherwise evict one of the memory
pages that are not in B's memory. (By
same reasoning as in Def. 2, there
have to be such pages.)
otherwise imitate A (same as above with B
replaced by A).
It is easy to show, with similar reasoning as in
Lemma 1, that the set of pages held inART (A,B)'s
memory is a superset of the intersection of the
sets of pages in A's and B's memories at all points
in time.
We can prove relatively easily a robustness
result for ART (A,B).
THEOREM 2. The adaptive replacement
algorithm ART (A,B) is 2-robust with respect
to both A and B. That is, ART (A,B), as defined
above, never incurs more than 2x + m faults, where
x is the minimum number of faults of algorithms
A and B, and m is the memory size.
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