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A 1
θ 1
A 1
A 2
B A 1 A 2
A 2
A 1
A 2
φ cos 1
θ 2
A 1 A 2
A k Rotate ( B, k φ , A 1 )
θ k (1 k ) ⋅ θ 1 k
⋅ θ 2
Interpolating axis-angle representations of (
A 1 , y 1 ) and (
A 2 , y 2 )by
to get (
A k , y k ), where 'Rotate(a,b,c)' rotates 'c'
around 'a' by 'b' degrees.
2.2.4 Quaternion representation
As discussed earlier, the representations covered so far have drawbacks when interpolating interme-
diate orientations when an object or joint has three degrees of rotational freedom. A better approach
is to use quaternions to represent orientation [ 5 ]. A quaternion is a four-tuple of real numbers, [ s , x , y , z ],
or, equivalently, [ s , v ], consisting of a scalar, s , and a three-dimensional vector, v .
The quaternion is an alternative to the axis and angle representation in that it contains the same
information in a different, but mathematically convenient, form. Importantly, it is in a form that
can be interpolated as well as used in concatenating a series of rotations into a single representation.
The axis and angle information of a quaternion can be viewed as an orientation of an object relative to
its initial object space definition, or it can be considered as the representation of a rotation to apply to an
object definition. In the former view, being able to interpolate between represented orientations is
important in generating key-frame animation. In the latter view, concatenating a series of rotations into
a simple representation is a common and useful operation to perform to apply a single, compound
transformation to an object definition.
Basic quaternion math
Before interpolation can be explained, some basic quaternion math must be understood. In the
equations that follow, a bullet operator represents dot product, and “
” denotes cross-product.
Quaternion addition is simply the four-tuple addition of quaternion representations, [ s 1 , v 1 ]
[ s 2 ,
v 2 ]
[ s 1 þ s 2 , v 1 þ v 2 ]. Quaternion multiplication is defined as Equation 2.24 . Notice that
quaternion multiplication is associative, ( q 1 q 2 ) q 3 ¼ q 1 ( q 2 q 3 ), but is not commutative, q 1 q 2 6¼ q 2 q 1 .
½s 1 ; v 1 ½s 2 ; v 2 ¼½s 1 s 2 v 1 v 2 ; s 1 v 2 þ s 2 v 1 þ v 1 v 2
A point in space, v , or, equivalently, the vector from the origin to the point, is represented as [0, v ].
It is easy to see that quaternion multiplication of two orthogonal vectors ( v 1 ￿ v 2 ¼
0) computes the
cross-product of those vectors (Eq. 2.25) .
; v 1 ½
; v 2 ¼½
; v 1 v 2
v 1 v 2 ¼
The quaternion [1, (0, 0, 0)] is the multiplicative identity; that is,
½s; v½
; ð
Þ ¼ ½s; v
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