Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Story Dept.
Art Dept.
Modeling Dept.
Shading Dept.
Layout Dept.
Animation Dept.
Lighting Dept.
Camera Dept.
Computer animation production pipeline.
material the object is made of, its age, and its condition. Much of the effective appearance of an
object comes not from its shape but from shading—the visual qualities of its surface.
￿ On the other path between Modeling and Lighting lies the Layout Department , followed by the
Animation Department. Layout is responsible for taking the film from two dimensions to three
dimensions. To ensure good flow, Layout implements proper staging (designing the space for the
action to take place in) and blocking (planning out the general movements of the actors and camera).
This guides the Animation Department.
￿ Working from audio, the story, and the blocking and staging produced by Layout, the Animation
Department is responsible for bringing the characters to life. As mentioned above, complex figures
are often parameterized by the Model Department so that a character's basic movements (e.g.,
smiling, taking a step) have already been defined. Animation uses these motions as well as creating
the subtler gestures and movements necessary for the “actor” to effectively carry out the scene.
￿ The Lighting Department assigns to each sequence a team that is responsible for translating the
Art Department's vision into digital reality. At this point the animation and camera placement
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