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6.8 Chapter summary
Motion capture is a very powerful and useful tool. It will never replace the results produced by a skilled
animator, but its role in animation will expand and increase as motion libraries are built and the tech-
niques to modify, combine, and adapt motion capture data become more sophisticated. Current
research involves extracting motion capture data from markerless video. This has the potential to free
the subject from instrumentation constraints and make motion capture even more useful.
[1] Bruderlin A, Williams L. Motion Signal Processing. In: Cook R, editor. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95,
Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series. Los Angeles, Calif.: Addison-Wesley; August 1995.
p. 97-104. Reading, Massachusetts. ISBN 0-201-84776-0.
[2] Gleicher M. Retargeting Motion to New Characters. In: Cohen M, editor. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98,
Computer Graphics, Annual Conference Series. Orlando, Fla.: Addison-Wesley; July 1998. p. 33-42. ISBN
[3] Kovar L, Gleicher M, Pighin F. Motion Graphs, In: Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002, Computer Graphics,
Annual Conference Series. San Antonio, Tex.; July 23-26,; 2002. p. 473-82.
[4] Kovar L, Gleicher M. Flexible Automatic Motion Blending with Registration Curves. In: Breen D, Lin M,
editors. Symposium on Computer Animation. San Diego, Ca.: Eurographics Association; 2002. p. 214-24.
[5] Lee J, Chai J, Reitsma P, Hodgins J, Pollard N. Interactive Control of Avatars Animated with Human Motion
Data, In: Computer Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002, Annual Conference Series. San Antonio,
Tex.; July 23-26, 2002. p. 491-500.
[6] Menache A. Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games. New York: Morgan
Kaufmann; 2000.
[7] Reitsma P, Pollard N. Evaluating Motion Graphs for Character Navigation. In: Symposium on Computer
Animation. Grenoble, France. p. 89-98.
[8] Tuceryan M, Greer D, Whitaker R, Breen D, Crampton C, Rose E, et al. Calibration Requirements and Pro-
cedures for a Monitor-Based Augmented Reality System. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph September 1995;1
(3):255-73. ISSN 1077-2626.
[9] Witkin A, Popovic Z. Motion Warping. In: Cook R, editor. Computer Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH
95, Annual Conference Series. Los Angeles, Calif: Addison-Wesley; August 1995. p. 105-8. Reading,
Massachusetts. ISBN 0-201-84776-0.
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