Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's summarize what we did in this chapter. What we did in this project was build a sys-
tem to wireless command relays from your computer or mobile device. The project works
the same as a commercial device that you can buy in any hardware store, but you get the
advantage of being able to customize the system for your needs. And you also have the ad-
vantage of controlling these devices right from your smartphone, and not from yet another
remote control.
Let's see what the major takeaways from this chapter were. First, we chose the components
to build our system, including the relay modules to connect with the devices to be con-
trolled. We also chose a Wi-Fi chip so that the project can be connected to your local Wi-Fi
Then, we assembled the hardware part of the project. We also connected the desk lamp to
the project, so we could control it via Wi-Fi.
We then wrote the Arduino code to test the different components of the project. We tested
the relay modules separately, and then we checked if the project can be connected to your
local Wi-Fi network.
Finally, we built a web interface, so it's easier to control the different devices connected to
the system. Since this interface was built using web standards like HTML and JavaScript, it
is accessible from any browser or mobile device.
Of course, it is possible to add more Arduino boards to the project if you want to have re-
lays in two different rooms, for example. To do so, you first have to give a unique name to
each board, for example arduino1.local , arduino2.local , and so on. Then, you
will have to change the server-side code accordingly.
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