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Testing the relays and Wi-Fi connection
Now that the hardware configuration is complete, we can start writing some code to test
our project. We'll first write a simple sketch to test a given relay. Go over to your Arduino
IDE and you can start writing some code. The most important parts of the code will be de-
tailed below, and you can find the complete code on the GitHub repository of the project at
https://github.com/openhomeautomation/arduino-home-automation/tree/master/chapter2 .
The first step is to declare which pin the relay you want to test is connected to:
const int relay_pin = 6;
We use a const int variable here, which is similar to #define but better, since we are
sure the constant is of the right type. In the setup() function of the sketch, we need to
specify that this pin is a digital output with the pinMode() function:
Then, inside the loop() function, we are basically going to activate the relay, wait for 5
seconds, switch it off again, wait for 5 seconds again, and repeat the process. This is done
with the following piece of code:
// Activate relay
digitalWrite(relay_pin, HIGH);
// Wait for 5 seconds
// Deactivate relay
digitalWrite(relay_pin, LOW);
// Wait for 5 seconds
You can now upload the code to the Arduino board. If you made the right hardware con-
nections, you should now see your lamp switching on and off every 5 seconds. If that's not
the case, you need to check your hardware connections, especially between the relay mod-
ule and Arduino. You should hear the relay click whenever the state of the relay is chan-
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