Biology Reference
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M of ATP, ADP, UTP and UDP on [Ca 2+ ] i in islet endothelial cells and
Fig. 12.4 Effects of 10
-cells superfused with a medium containing 5 mM glucose. The test substances were added during
5-min periods. Representative for 5 experiments. From [37]
functionally active P2Y 1 receptors. Endothelial cells sometimes express P2X recep-
tors, which mediate vasodilation [64, 79, 85]. Since UTP was equally effective as
ATP in raising [Ca 2+ ] i , it is unlikely that islet endothelial cells have functionally
active P2X receptors.
Evidence has been provided that glucose stimulation of the islet blood flow
involves adenosine P1 receptors [17]. However there was no increase of [Ca 2+ ] i
when islet endothelial cells were exposed to 10
M adenosine. The latter find-
ing supports the idea that the vasodilator action of adenosine involves arterioles
outside the islets rather than the intra-islet capillaries. Acetylcholine is widely
employed for initiating release of endothelial factors regulating the vascular tone
[88]. Nevertheless 10
M acetylcholine elicited [Ca 2+ ] i increase only in the
The observation that endothelial cells respond with rise of [Ca 2+ ] i to purinergic,
but not to cholinergic stimuli, is not unique for islet capillaries but is seen also in
brain [44].
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