Biology Reference
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Table 10.2 ATP release through hemichannels in other cell types
Signaling, pathway of release and physiological and pathological
Tissue/cell type
Types of stimulation
Airway epithelial cells
Cell swelling
Carbenoxolone and probenecid, but not FFA, inhibited ATP release;
attributed to Panx1 hemichannels. Suppression of Panx1 expression
by shRNA inhibited release
Neurosensory epithelium
inner ear
Photostimulation with
caged IP 3
ATP release through connexin Cx26/Cx30 hemichannels propagates
Ca 2+ signals across inner ear
Release stimulates Ca 2+ influx via P2X7 receptors leading to T-cell
Panx1 channels are implicated
T Cells
Cell swelling
T-cell receptor stimulation
Human microvascular
endothelial cells
Basal release
Hypoxia reduced release through Cx43-serine368 phosphorylation,
which switches Cx43 hemichannels to closed state.
C6 cells expressing Cx43
Patch clamp studies show that Cx43 hemichannels are permeable to
Cultured neurons
Membrane depolarization
Depolarization led to release and ischemic tolerance; inhibited by Cx
hemichannel blockers and by siRNA knockdown of Cx36
Ovarian granulosa cells
Mechanical stimulation or
Cells expressing hemichannels showed dye uptake and ATP release,
although Cx43 hemichannels did not support folliculogenesis,
Receptor cells in mouse
taste buds
A tastant mix
ATP release mediated through Panx1 hemichannels contributes to
taste transduction
Release stimulated by fMLP-dependent dephosphorylation Cx43 and
subsequent opening Cx43 hemichannels.
Articular chondrocytes
Mechanical stimulation or
Cx43 hemichannels and P2 receptors form putative mechanoreceptor
complex in cilia
43 Gap26 inhibited ATP release. A peptide with antiarrhythmic
properties stimulates ATP release under ischemic conditions.
Cardiac myocytes
Simulated ischemia
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