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Fig. 10.8 Effect of PAR-1 receptor agonists on the active area of the Ca 2+ wave in control and
in cells pretreated with adenosine. The bar graphs in the left panels show the reduction of the
activearea(AA)oftheCa 2+ wave propagation by thrombin (2 U/ml for 5 min; N
145) ( a )
25) ( b ): The bar graphs in the right panels show the
inhibition of the effect of thrombin and TRAP-6 by pretreatment of the cells with adenosine (200
M for 30 min; N
M for 30 min) p < 0.001 for comparison between aa in the presence vs. absence of the PAR-
1 agonist (i.e., comparison of black or grey bars with white bars in each condition). ˆ p < 0.001
for comparison between AA in the presence vs. absence of adenosine (i.e., comparison of filled
( black respectively grey ) bar with corresponding filled bar in control condition. From [27] with
permission. Copyright: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
recovery in FRAP experiments, indicating an effect on GJIC, the main effect of these
agents was a reduction of PIC. Activation of PAR-1 did not significantly affect the
Ca 2+ wave propagation in cells pretreated with the hemichannel blocker 43 Gap26
or in the presence of exogenous apyrases. Thrombin abolished enhancement of the
Ca 2+ wave propagation by the ectonucleotidase inhibitor ARL-67156 [26]. These
experiments demonstrate that the effect of thrombin on Ca 2+ wave propagation is
mainly due to inhibition of purinergic PIC.
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