Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Moseley, D., Higgins, S. and Newton, L. (1999) Ways Forward with ICT: Effective Pedagogy
Using Information and Communications Technology for Literacy and Numeracy in Primary
Schools, Newcastle: University of Newcastle.
Moss, G., Jewitt, C., Levaãiç, R., Armstrong, V., Cardini, A. and Castle, F. (2007) The
interactive whiteboards, pedagogy and pupil performance evaluation: an evaluation of the
Schools Whiteboard Expansion (SWE) Project: London Challenge. DfES Research Report
816, London: DfES.
Mumtaz, S. (2000) Factors affecting teachers' use of information and communications
technology: a review of the literature, Journal of Information Technology for Teacher
Education, 9(3): 319-41.
Murray, W.E. (2006) Geographies of Globalization, London: Routledge.
NAACE (2001) The Impact of ICT on Schooling, Nottingham: National Association for
Advisors for Computers in Education.
NCET (1995) How ICT helps learners learn mathematics, Coventry: NCET.
NCET (1997) Highways for Learning - The Internet for Schools and Colleges - Towards an
Evaluation , Net Magazine , March: 118.
Newman, F. and Holzman, L. (1997) The End of Knowing , London: Routledge.
Newman, M., Elbourne, D. and Leask, M. (2004) Improving the usability of educational
research: guidelines for the reporting of empirical primary research studies in edu-
cation, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the Teaching and Learning Research
Programme , Cardiff.
NFER (2008) Harnessing Technology: Schools Survey, Coventry: Becta.
Novello, M. (1989) The Changing Role of the Teacher, London: Routledge.
oakley, A. (2003) Research Evidence, Knowledge Management and Educational Practice:
early lessons from a systematic approach , London Review of Education , 1(1): 21-34.
oECD (2002) ICT and whole school improvement reports . Paris: Ceri.
oECD (2003) New Challenges for Educational Research . This report has two of the five reviews
of educational R&D which CERI conducted in five countries: New Zealand, England,
Mexico, Denmark and Switzerland.
oECD (2007a) Taking Stock of Educational R&D : Joint oECD-CoRECHED International
Expert Meeting,3343,en_2649_35845581_
39379876_1_1_1_1,00.html (accessed 3 January 2012).
oECD (2007b) Evidence in Education: Linking Research and Policy ,
ment/56/0,3343,en_2649_35845581_38796344_1_1_1_1,00.html (accessed 3 January
oECD (2009a) Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from
Teaching and Learning international Survey (TALIS)
0,3343,en_2649_39263231_42980662_1_1_1_1,00.html (accessed 1 February 2012).
ofsted (2001) ICT in Schools: The Impact of Government Initiatives: An Interim Report, London:
ofsted (2004) ICT in Schools: The Impact of Government Initiatives Five Years On, London: ofsted.
ofsted (2009) Virtual Learning Environments: an evaluation of their development in a sample of
educational settings , London: ofsted.
ofsted (2009a) The importance of ICT: Information and communication technology in primary
and secondary schools, 2005-2008 , London: ofsted.
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