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it was accompanied by realistic and usable ideas for how a resource can be used
in a real classroom with real teachers and real children.
· The teachers did appreciate some intervention from external agencies to avoid
the reinventing of old ideas. Advisory teachers were particularly useful,
particularly for passing on information through their re-visiting of schools
and colleges to support and then to provide follow-up ideas. Top-down
regional advisory meetings that focus on policy were considered to be far
less useful than opportunities for teachers to share their ideas. One view was
that the coffee-time chat was often more productive than the formal input.
Workshops should model for teachers the constructivist learning contexts
they are expected to provide for learners.
· FE staff and primary specialist staff find it particularly difficult to find net-
works of peers and experts who are working in the same areas.
· CPD programmes should not just be available online as this can result in
professional isolation. However, Web 2.0 technologies provide new CPD
opportunities through social and professional networking.
The most significant factors limiting or supporting change are the attitudes and
understanding of the individuals who collectively make up the school community
and whether institutional processes support of inhibit innovation and develop-
ment. The aim of this chapter has been to provide frameworks and rationales to help
decision-making about the adoption of technology-enhanced pedagogies, but any
successful change will depend on the knowledge and competence of staff, and the
vision of school leaders and their ability to motivate staff to change.
Further reading
Bolam, R. and Weindling, D. (2006) Synthesis of research and evaluation projects concerned
with capacity-building through teachers' professional development: Full research report , Lon-
don: General Teaching Council for England.
Pickering, J., Daly, C. and Pachler, N. (eds) (2007) New Designs for Teachers' Professional
Learning , Bedford Way Papers, London: Institute of Education, University of London.
Useful websites
British Council for the School Environment
National College - Managing school resources. This advice is from the website of the
government-funded National College for school leaders in England.
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