Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 9.4
choosing digital resources: points to consider
Support for learning: Do the digital resources:
Help learners to explore
ethical and moral issues in
a practical context through
the need to deal with
inappropriate sites
Facilitate interactions
between teachers and
learner as well as between
Help learners gain a range
of perspectives through
monitoring multiple channels of
Provide a range of learning
Help with demonstrations
support planning via use of
Provide opportunities to share
learning, collaboratively edit
and add to work
Provide access to school/
college systems from
offer innovative ways of
communicating though music
and sport
support communication and
collaboration via cameras,
podcasts, wikis
Provide time to think and
apply knowledge instead
of taking notes because
the lesson can be printed
Help teachers to keep abreast of
current specialisms like Assessing
Pupil Progress (QcA booklet)
Provide a means of publishing
samples of good work
Provide quick recording
of data from class
support learning by backchannel
chat around main activity
Help very young children and
children with writing difficulties
to record and publish their work
Provide opportunities for
pupils to personalize their
own learning
Communications support - technology-based tools and digital resources:
Via video conferencing and
other tools connect people,
teachers, learners across
distances: e.g. for global
Help to involve parents
via learning platforms in
the home
Provide access to a broad
curriculum through links with
learners elsewhere and support
anywhere anytime learning -
learners no longer limited to
being in school/college
Provide business sites for the
Provide professional
presentation of resources
prevented from developing leading practice because institutional processes prevent
innovation. Even where teachers are willing to adopt new practices, keeping up to
date can be difficult, and school leaders as part of their vision for the school will need
to plan for ways of supporting teachers in keeping abreast of progress.
How do teachers find out about new tools and resources?
Teachers contributing to the Education Futures research (Leask and Preston 2010)
were asked how they keep up to date and find out about new tools and resources.
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