Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
• generateteacherawarenessofissuesofconfidentiality,andprivacyincluding
issues concerning taking data offsite
• disciplinethosemembersofstaffwhotendedto'dotheirownthing'
• warnteacherswhomayleaveportalsopenwhileawayfromtheirdeskorwhile
at home potentially allowing anyone to access confidential data (the same risk
of misuse of data comes from the use of a pen drive to store confidential files).
The solutions mooted were:
• thedevelopmentofprotocols/complexcaveatsarounddatasecurityand
having these agreed by the staff
• aWeb-basedmethodofkeepinguptodatewithcurrentlegislationand
acceptable practice
• adviceonmanagingexpectations
• thedevelopmentofmoreinter-operableprograms
• moreaccessviaportalstoremovetheneedforstafftocarrydata.
Younie (2007) and leask and Preston's (2010) research found that effective CPD
is led by subject specialists who are able to demonstrate through their approach good
models for practice.
Features of this CPD should be:
• time,appropriatetrainingandsupport
• peer-to-peersupportandprofessionalnetworking
• departmentalorganizationofCPD
• appropriatematerialsandonlinecontent
• networkingandsharingofresources
• ongoingtrainingtoacknowledge,encourageandrewardprogress
• CPD,givingtimetoexperimentwithnewtechnologytoolsandshareideas
about applications with other teachers.
Further information about appropriate forms of CPD is provided in Chapter 9.
Uptake of technologies in smaller schools is inhibited by the lack of expertise and
staff. Teachers who are technology coordinators in primary schools and who are on
call all day, every day, are not best placed to implement learning platforms and other
major technologies. They usually have to deal with technical problems, replenishing
stock, managing resources, keeping up to date and developing new practice, often
while teaching their own class. Solutions to this dilemma include sharing technical
staff with other primary schools, secondary schools, private or public organizations
nearby and developing parent helpers.
In the course of undertaking research into the effective use of technologies in educa-
tional settings over 25 years and in many countries, the authors of this text have time
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