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Listing 7-15. HTML Snippet of Sign-Up in Views/Home/Index.cshtml
<form class="navbar-form navbar-left" action="/signup/add"
role="form" id="createaccountform" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" placeholder="Username"
name=" graphStory.user.username " class="form-control">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Create Account</button>
While the sample application creates a user without a password, I am certainly not suggesting or advocating
this approach for a production application. excluding the password property was done in order to create a simple sign-up
and login that helps keep the focus on the more salient aspects of the Neo4jClient library.
Sign-Up Controller
In the SignupController class, use a method called Add to control the flow of the sign-up process, shown in
Listing 7-16. This particular controller does not extend the GraphStoryController class or the SecurityController
class because it does not need to check the user login status or have access to the accompanying values. It does
include access to the GraphStoryInterface, which will access the save method of the UserInterface and return a
GraphStory object.
If no errors were returned during the save attempt, the request is redirected via RedirectToRoute to a message
view in the HomeController to thank the user for signing up. Otherwise, a ViewBag is set with an error variable and
output the error message back to the specified view.
Listing 7-16. The SignupController
public class SignupController : Controller
private GraphStoryInterface graphStoryService;
public SignupController(GraphStoryInterface graphStoryService) {
this.graphStoryService = graphStoryService;
public ActionResult Add(GraphStory graphStory)
graphStory =;
if (graphStory.haserror==false)
return RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "msg",
msg = "Thank you," + graphStory.user.username });
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