Database Reference
In-Depth Information
DELETE allows you to remove nodes and relationships. To remove a property, however, you need to use the REMOVE
clause. Listings 4-38 and 4-39 show how to remove properties from nodes and relationships.
Listing 4-38. Remove a Property from a Node
MATCH (u1:User {username: "greg"} )
Listing 4-39. Remove a Label from a Node
MATCH (u1 {username: "greg"} )
REMOVE u1:User
In this chapter, you learned about Cypher, Neo4j's declarative query language. It provides for very efficient reading
and writing of data within Neo4j, and it shares similarities to SQL in the relational database world. You also learned
that, although there are many different ways to find starting points within a Cypher query, most often a MATCH
should be used to filter on a beginning node or set of nodes. Finally, you reviewed the Cypher commands and clauses
that will most often be used within your applications. The next chapter discusses importing and managing data from
outside data sources.
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