Database Reference
In-Depth Information
" WHERE before is not null AND after is not null " +
" CREATE UNIQUE (before)-[:NEXTPOST]->(after) " +
" WITH count(before) as cnt " +
" MATCH (c:Content { contentId: {2} })-[r]-() " +
" DELETE c, r",
map("1", username, "2", contentId));
Interest Graph Model
This section looks at the interest graph and examines some basic ways it can used to explicitly define a degree of
interest. The following topics are covered:
Adding filters for owned content
Adding filters for connected content
Analyzing connected content (count tags)
Interest in Aggregate
Inside the interest method of the InterestAction class, you will retrieve all of the tags connected to a user and their
friends the tagsInMyNetwork method found in the TagDAO class. This is displayed Figure 12-12 in the left-hand column
on the page.
Figure 12-12. Filtering the current user's content
The markup is located in {PROJECTROOT} / WebContent/mustache/html/graphs/interest/index.html. The
tagsInMyNetwork method uses two queries, which are shown in Listing 12-34. The tagsInNetwork finds users being
followed, accesses all of their content, and finds connected tags using the HAS relationship type.
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